WHY work with us?

Business and Personal Realities and THE Legal Solutions!

A closer look at the WRONG business ''prescriptions'' you need to be aware of and what to do instead!

Let me ask you a question:

What if you went to your doctor and - out of the blue - he offered to prescribe you Zolpidem Ambien?

Without asking you any questions. Without taking any tests.

Without examining you or doing anything at all.

You'd be right to call that kind of behavior from a doctor "irresponsible".

I know that I would.

Even worse, it's malpractice.

There's an old saying in the medical profession: "Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice."

Yet it goes on everyday for things just as important as your health.

Everyday, people seeking to live and prosper with their businesses are looking to buy Belize companies, and Panama residencies, and all sorts of other STUFF to get out of their heavy tax-burden and bureaucratic dictatorship... without being sure it can really HELP them.

In their quest to solve the problem, they research and then accumulate shiny objects.

Many of these folks fall into the "research trap", where they spend months or even years reading blogs and calling everyone who offers a "free consultation"...or even pay for consultations from “their” accountants, “their” attorneys and lawyers, “their” notaries, “their” financial advisers, etc. firmly believing these “experts” have “theirs” well-being in mind…

...and then they end up with stuff they don't need or that doesn't solve their REAL problem.

Earlier I spoke with John, a devoted father who really, really wants second passports for his entire family to have a plan B if things go south!

Regulations in the EU are killing him, and he wants an escape hatch.

John has spent the last two years researching what to do. He even applied with one of the expensive “economic citizenship” programs, but got REJECTED.

Then he also wanted to sell – get rid in fact – of his business or alternatively implement a tax-friendly relocation plan without too much hassle.

That's when he came to me.

I explained that trusted connections in my international network, which I accumulated over 3 decades, could help him in a – legal- way “his” actual “expert professionals” would never do, because obviously, helping him is not in “their” interest, even worse, at the first sign of implying that he wants to relocate or “get rid” of his business these “benevolent” professionals are legally obliged to rat him out…..

(for more on this Download free and read the topic nr.5 from the book Applied Wisdom – Manifesto II : “The Inquisition and the OECD – Systemic Confiscation of Wealth, here is the link)

For example, a short while ago, I got word that a guy I helped to connect with my network was approved for a second citizenship and sold his business, and his “stress”, to an ambitious third party, for a very fair price!

I am so enjoyed by this as I like happy people and seeing positive results.

But here's the problem: on my call, John was insistent that I "prescribe" something right now.

I could hear that John was eager, but he had been talking to “other” people and kept referring to "deadlines".

He wanted me to tell him NOW.

Now, there is a 100% chance that I could help John solve his problem. Not only that, but I could almost certainly save John somewhere between Euro 100K and Euro 200K on his family's passports, his business relocation and this in the outmost discretion.

However, just because my network recently helped someone get a Croatian passport (among others) doesn't mean that it would have been responsible to shout out "Croatia!" to John.

What worked for the last guy, or the lady before that, or the couple before that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT work for John and his family.

I know nothing about John other than he really wants a second passport, relocate and sell or get rid of his business.

And as they say, prescription without diagnosis is malpractice.

For me to prescribe something without knowing any pertinent facts of John's situation would be like a doctor prescribing a drug without knowing your medical history or any of your symptoms.

Best case scenario: you get a stomach ache and don't feel any better.

Worst case scenario: you die.

The business world is no different. You need an individual holistic approach and precision work!

Lots of people advertise "fast", "easy", and "cheap" bank accounts, company set ups, or residencies or citizenships, or whatever.

And a more than a few of the people who bought the "fast" or "easy" or "cheap" solution have come to me afterwards because what the service they bought without any attempt to understand their situation didn't work.

I understand that getting into this may take some time.

All of that stuff on the internet is free if you want to entertain yourself, get a better understanding before seeking help, or even go out and self-diagnose.

However, I've learned through my own experiences in this area that DIAGNOSING the problem, and only then PRESCRIBING a solution is the fastest way to success.

That "cheap" residency might not be so cheap after all if it doesn't give you what you need.

That "easy" bank account on some tiny island won't seem so easy when you can't get your money out.

That "fast" passport won't help you so much when you discover it wasn't issued properly.


I'm not interested in helping people accumulate random crap that doesn't serve their needs.

Plenty of people will sell you a Dominica passport or Panama residency or Swiss bank account. Find one, call them, and they'll sell you on how wonderful it will be.

Oh, and since they sell the same thing to everyone, they won't need any diagnostic time to do any lab tests. You're in and out quickly.

If that works for you, that's great. I am not here to judge.

My personal way is to holistically diagnose, then prescribe.

It saves time, money, and hassle.

Just a friendly reminder that the best things are usually worth a small investment in yourself, and the topics we discuss here are no exception.

If you are really interested in my help I ask you to show your real determination for this by investing in yourself and thus you are invited to

a ONE TIME ONLY Donation of 250 Euro for a “True Conversation with me” to discuss your needs (around 45 minutes) INCLUSIVE relevant access and introduction to my network when we are certain that we can really help you and then we will take it from there. If, after diagnosis of your situation, we cannot help you, we will tell you also!

I proceed like this, to avoid dozens of e-mail applications from “candidates” with email addresses similar to "wastemytime2021@hotmail.com

Instead, I offer you SIMPLICITY and PEACE of MIND!

For this: go to the:  DONATION of 250 Euro for a "True Conversation with me" 

Yours in freedom and prosperity,

Ihor Wasiuta, Holistic Connector

P.S. The best advice I can give anyone who asks "should I work with Ihor?" is if you like my holistic True Conversations approach, you'll probably like working with me. If you don't, then you won't.

Simple as that. :)

Important note:

Unlike most service providers who specialize in one solution, I am not selling anything, like a shelf structure or one specific solution in one country.

Thanks to our diversified know-how and experience, my connections can help you with a variety of legal solutions in dozens of jurisdictions.

If you want our help, we will carefully screen your identity and profile in order to avoid infiltration from individuals with the wrong intentions. In a world where political correctness and woke transparency crusaders lure around every street corner, we cannot be careful enough.

Our service is personalized. We will get acquainted in person in a location of your choice in a radius of 3000km from Düsseldorf, Germany.

At present, our help is not available for US citizens with one passport.


All rights reserved. Neither Die D-Gruppe, Ihor Wasiuta, it’s affiliates, connectors or anyone else accepts any responsibility, or assumes any liability, whatsoever, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the information in my Mentoring Sessions, Books, Brochures, Websites, Emails or other Correspondence.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice, may become out-dated and may not be updated. Neither content is intended to or deemed to be, either implied or otherwise, investment, financial, therapeutical, medical, tax or legal advice.

and of course my Total Privacy Guarantee:

I will never, ever pass, sell or rent your details to third parties.

Donor’s, mentoree’s, subscriber’s and client’s personal and general details are held in a location other than my premises under lock and key. I do not sell, loan, exchange or barter mail lists or any other information pertaining to my donors, mentorees, subscribers or connections.

Excited and Intrigued? DONATE here and I will get back to you with my very private phonenumber, Ihor Wasiuta.

True Conversations is procured in English, Dutch, German, French, Ukrainian and Russian.
